Item Number: KRE-VBS13


As with all Kremer VBS programs, there are talent show VBS lessons ranging from preschool through adult. This means that the talent show VBS program can be used for a standard Vacation Bible School or an evening Family Bible Week. The lessons have been specially written to present the children with the pure message of law and gospel.  With the purchase of the program you will receive all lessons in black/white and color. There are also duplicate talent show VBS lessons based on either the King James Version or New International (1984).

The Talent Show VBS program is entirely reproducible. This means that all Vacation Bible School materials on the disc can be printed, duplicated, and used as often as you wish.  The only restriction is that the programs are not to be resold.

Every talent show Vacation Bible School lesson comes with a complete teacher’s guide and a special “Background and Application” study guide.  Full color talent show VBS pictures recommended for lower grade classes are also included. 

DAY 1: Miriam uses her special talent to worship

DAY 2: Bezalel uses his special talent to create

DAY 3: Ruth uses her special talent to be a friend

DAY 4: Isaiah uses his special talent to tell others

DAY 5: Tabitha uses her special takent to serve

The Talent Show VBS Progam Includes:

Kremer Publications is a family owned business that began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1948. Its purpose was to provide local churches and schools with printing and other resources. Today Kremer continues to print for churches throughout the country and has also become a large provider for Christian schools. Kremer Publications is now a major distributor of children's musicals and Christian school diplomas. Kremer Publications also produces its own Vacation Bible School curriculum. These completely reproducible courses include all the necessary items to run an entire VBS program for a fraction of the cost. Kremer Publications is a non-denominational publisher. All materials are written and edited by degreed, qualified, and experienced Christian educators.

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